Cowbots and Aliens

A furious PvP Multiplayer brawl in VR set in the Saloon-iverse of Cowbots and Aliens

A furious PvP Multiplayer brawl in VR set in the Saloon-iverse of Cowbots and Aliens. Free movement, deadly gunplay, multiple competitive modes and a custom networked physics system that lets you use EVERYTHING as a weapon makes Cowbots and Aliens the immensely satisfying ruckus VR deserves. Includes intensely fun single player AI to play against as well.

Aantal spelers1 tot 6 spelers
VR GearVR Controller
LeeftijdAlle leeftijden (8+)

Flip a table and take cover, break a chair over your friends head, hurl a tomahawk, jump out with six-shooters blazing or just practice shooting beer bottles out of the sky. Cowbots and Aliens is a wild west brawl scene brought to life by robots, aliens, the magic of VR and you!


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